Thursday, January 30, 2014

Legislators are back in session!

Good afternoon fellow Alliance members! I'm at the Utah state Capitol today getting a first hand look at what kind of bills are being proposed this session.  So far there hasn't been much talk about health care or services. Have you heard of anything that you are interested in? I'd be more than happy to get you all the info I can!

Also LoveUTGiveUT is coming up in March!  We were wondering if there would be any volunteers out there to walk in the St. Patricks day parade; this would help us to get our cause into the hearts and minds of Utahns!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Epilepsy Alliance of Utah has some fun events coming up!!!

Also soon we will be getting ready for Love/Give Utah!  Get ready followers 2014 is going to be amazing!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Exciting news about Keppra!

There was study recently published in the January 8th issue of the medical journal Neurology; it determined that there were substantial differences in the offspring of mothers who used Keppra during pregnancy and those who were on Depakote.  As we all know Depakote is class D med that should not be used during pregnancy because it has been known to cause irreparable mental delay in the fetus.  Long term studies on Keppra's effect to fetus' growth has only recently been able to be done as Keppra became more and more prescribed.  The study followed over 100 offspring of Keppra and Depakote users for 3-4 years and found that there was a distinct difference in cognitive development and affect of the Depakote children to the Keppra group.  It found that while Keppra kids were on par with the other children in their age group the Depakote children were far behind in movement and language.  This is great news for the ladies out there who want families and have been told to either go off meds or not have children; as Keppra seems to be pretty safe in this regard!

If you would like to read a little more into it the article is

Have a great day!