Saturday, October 12, 2013


I have worked with epilepsy patients for awhile now and I've noticed that many don't have exact triggers.  As a patient enters their room we berate them with 50 questions about what kind of events they have, when they have them, what they do during them, what triggers them.  This can be daunting to the new patient and annoying to seasoned epileptics.  Yet, its vital information when a person is set to stay in the hospital and have their events videoed.  I argue that knowing your triggers is important even when not preparing for a hospital stay; as the awareness of them makes epilepsy easier to live with.  So what are some of your triggers?
In my profession you learn quickly that stress and fatigue play major roles in the number and severity of seizures; does everyone know this?  Many patients are shocked to find out that alcohol has a very broad effect on epilepsy in that it can cause seizures while drinking or becoming sober.  From my patients I can say that this is not the only liquid that has these effects; I'm looking at you Red Bull! I have also had patients tell me that certain foods cause their epilepsy to be worse.. like an allergic reaction that makes them seize.  Do you find that foods affect your epilepsy?
Well Im off but I hope this post gave you all out there in cyberspace something to think about!

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